New Jersey and The Rebellion
by John Y. Foster
Newark, NJ
Martin R Dennis & Co
Page 40 & 41- Hostilities commenced-Bull Run
6. The National Intelligencer (Washington) thus referred
to the brigade upon its arrival in the city The whole brigade, with
its four pieces of artillery, arrived at Annapolis on Sunday, May 5th,
in twenty eight hours from Trenton, and proceeded for Washington, it
is stated that the fourteen transports, with a strong convoy, commander
F.R.Loper made a splendid appearance, steaming in two lines down the
Chesapeake. They had been greeted by a great Union demonstration as
they passed along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. They are armed
with the Mini musket, but are to have the Mini rifle and sword-bayonet.
The splendid stand of colors brought with them was presented to the
(First) Regiment by the High School in Washington Street, Newark, just
prior to their departure for Washington. This regiment is composed of
some of the best men in the State, and in athletic appearance, as well
as general soldierly department, are a credit to the country.