Historical NJ Afro-American Militia - NG

Compiled by Col. Leonard Luzky, NJARNG, INF.

1865 - AG Report, page 9 "It is impossible to report with accuracy the number of Negroes who left this state for organization from the state of Pennsylvania, but it will not vary materially from three thousand and ninety two men." Page 11, Negroes volunteered into the 38, 39 & 40th Regiments. Alphabetical list obtained of all Negro volunteers who enlistment's could be obtained.

1868 - Page 4, Credited to the state, 4,000 muster in dates of men enlisting in regiments of colored troops.

1872 - Adjutant's Report, page 4 - Legislature authorizing companies of colored infantry in National Guard, not to exceed 10.

Page 20 - 8th Regiment (unattached) formed:

Field & Staff - Camden
Co A - Elizabeth
Co B - Trenton
Co C, D & E - Camden
Co F - New Brunswick

1873 Co G - Jersey City
1873 Co H - Newark
1873 Co I - Camden

8th Regiment is unattached to any Brigade. Roster of officers on page 32 & 33.

1876 - Co E & I consolidated

1877 - 8th Regiment disbanded.

1917-1919 - GO 29 August 15, 1917, page 12, 1916 - 1918 AG Report, ref; State Militia. The state passed an Act to organize a staff corps, 26 Inf. Co.'s, 2 Machine gun Co.'s to form 6 BN'S and 2 Separate Co.'s (colored) in Atlantic City & Jersey City. They were organized to meet any emergency, suppress riot and disorder, because of the state's proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, ammunition, weapons plants and our involvement in the First World War. They were completely disbanded January 5, 1920 and all personnel discharged. Page 7, 1918 - 1920 AG Reports.

1930 - 1940 known as the 1st Separate Battalion: State Militia, NJNG.
Resolution to form separate battalion by MG Winfield S. Price, Commanding NJNG., We have on file letters from MG Higgins, State Senators, Governor requesting the 1st Separate BN become part of the 372nd Infantry Regiment and for federal recognition. GO 25 Sept 17, 1940 re-designation and federal recognition.
Federally recognized as the 1st BN, 372nd Infantry (Rifle) NJNG, inactivated January 3 1, 1946.
Co. A Newark, Co. B Atlantic City, Co. C Camden and Co. D Trenton.
Co. A armory was the Amsterdam Building, 83 16th St. Newark